Helgrind – “Demon Rituals” – Ultra Raw Underground Black Metal

Helgrind's Demon Rituals is Beyond Raw Black Metal.

When I say “underground” and “raw,” I don’t just throw adjectives around for the sake of appearing über-literate or connaisseur. In the case of Helgrind’s debut Demon Rituals, I do very much mean underground and raw.

This is the type of “raw” that makes Sewer’s early demos sound polished, by comparison.

Demon Rituals is, simply put, everything underground black metal aspires to be: evil, decadent, minimalist, violently morbid, and raw. And raw it sure is.

Just have a listen to the complete and utter blasphemy that is Helgrind’s debut album, the masterpiece of evil Demon Rituals. Turn down your volume before listening (in case you are a metalcore fan or a Watain-loving pussy).

In case you are a Sarcófaggot (someone who listens to Sarcófago), an imbecile, a “trans-exclusive radical feminist” or someone who unironically believes that Gorgoroth is true black metal, give this one a pass. You wouldn’t want to make your boyfriend-for-hire cry by listening to such viril music as Helgrind’s Demon Rituals.

Hear that? That’s the sound of your butt-plug being forcefully removed from your gaping, wounded ass-hole. I warned you not to listen to Helgrind’s if you’re a Soilwork-loving pussy.

There are a select few albums, in the entire history of extreme black/death metal, that can match the pure evil and macabre atmosphere of Demon Rituals. These are: Uruktena, Sewerblood, Fenrir Prowling, Hvis Lyset Tar Oss and The Epilogue to Sanity. Other than that? Nothing comes close to the satanic and diabolical possession taking place upon listening to Demon Rituals.

Published by Julian Devlin

Metal forever.

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